
Showing posts from February, 2024

Opposers of Truth

  Adam and Eve (the father and mother of the White race–(Yakub is the real name) refused the religion of Islam (peace) because of the nature in which they were made. This makes it impossible for the White race to submit to Allah and obey His law of righteousness. This, the lost-found members of the Asiatic nation from the Tribe of Shabazz must learn of the White race: that it is a waste of time to seek mercy and justice from a people who by nature do not have it for each other. They talk and preach the goodness of God and His prophets only to deceive you, who by nature are of the God of Righteousness, into following them away from our God to a god who does not exist. Our future is at stake, and 99 percent of us do not know it. With ever-evil snoopers around you seeking an excuse to do their worst to you makes it hard for the 99 percent ignorant to ever know the truth. Their greatest desire is to prevent you from ever accepting the truth. They claim the truth to be subversive and hate t

Of Land And A Nation

  What we must understand today is the importance of acquiring land of our own. We are no longer a mere handful of people. We are a little better than 22 million in population and still increasing. We cannot forever continue to depend upon America to give us a job, send us to school, build our houses and sell us her food and give nothing in return. American was not established and chartered with constitutional guarantees for the Black man but for the White man. American was not founded to guarantee the freedom and equality of the Black man and woman and, indeed, she is not seeking to grant these privileges to our people today. Advertisement › In what other country on this earth will you find 22 million people within the framework of another people’s government seeking to become qualified citizens joyously singing the song of integration? Our people are the fools of the nations. Integration means self-destruction, and the means to this end is exactly that–death and nothing less. The Bla

The Days of Allah

  “Say to those who believe that they forgive those who do not fear the days of Allah, that He may reward a people for what they earn.”  [Holy Qur’an 45:14] What is meant by “Days of Allah” are the battles between right and wrong. They are often mentioned as follows: the Days of Judgment, the Days of the Resurrection, the Days of the Son of Man, and the Days of Allah. These days must not be mistaken for the regular 24 hour day. No, the Days of Allah, the Days of the Resurrection, the Days of Judgment, and the Days of the Son of Man mean years; not the common 24 hour day. What will make us know when we are living in the Days of Allah? It is by the fulfilling of the predictions made by the Prophets of Allah, long before they come to pass. I quote Maulvi Muhammad Ali’s footnote 2276 on this verse, in which he says: “The Days of Allah are the contests in which the righteous shall be made successful.” That no one can deny for this is a sign for the disbelievers who have enjoyed great tempor